给自己的一封信 学习版
Hāi, guòqù de zìjǐ, wǒ zhīdào nǐ zǒng shì mánglù, jiānbǎng shàng chéngdān hěnduō yālì. Nǐ měitiān dōu zài wèi gōngzuò hé xuéxí pīnmìng, zhuīqiú gèng hǎo de shēnghuó.
过去 (guòqù) – past
肩膀 (jiānbǎng) – shoulder
承担 (chéngdān) – to bear
压力 (yālì) – pressure
拼命 (pīnmìng) – to strive, to work hard
追求 (zhuīqiú) – to pursue
Hey, past me, I know you’re always busy, bearing a lot of pressure on your shoulders. You work hard every day for your job and studies, chasing a better life.
Nǐ juéde zhǐyǒu zhèyàng, cái néng zhèngmíng zìjǐ hěn nǔlì. Dàn wǒ xiǎng gàosù nǐ, shēnghuó bù jǐn jǐn shì wèi le chénggōng, yǒu shí yě xūyào tíng xià jiǎobù, qù gǎnshòu shēnbiān de měihǎo.
觉得 (juéde) – to feel, to think
证明 (zhèngmíng) – to prove
不仅仅 (bù jǐn jǐn) – not only
停下 (tíngxià) – to stop
脚步 (jiǎobù) – steps, pace
感受 (gǎnshòu) – to feel
You think that only by doing this can you prove that you are working hard. But I want to tell you, life is not just about success; sometimes, you also need to stop and feel the beauty around you.
Jìdé xiǎoshíhòu, nǐ zuì xǐhuān huàhuà hé chànggē. Kěshì, suízhe niánlíng de zēngzhǎng, nǐ màn man wàngjì le zhèxiē nǐ rè’ài de shìqíng. Nǐ rènwéi zhǐyǒu mánglù hé bùduàn de gōngzuò cáinéng chénggōng, dàn què wàng le zìjǐ nèixīn de xūqiú.
记得 (jìdé) – to remember
喜欢 (xǐhuān) – to like
随着 (suízhe) – with
年龄 (niánlíng) – age
增长 (zēngzhǎng) – to grow, to increase
热爱 (rè’ài) – to love deeply
需求 (xūqiú) – need
Remember when you were little, you loved to draw and sing. But as you grew older, you gradually forgot the things you loved. You thought that only being busy and constantly working could lead to success, but you forgot your inner needs.
Wǒ xiǎng gàosù nǐ: Nǐ bù xūyào měitiān dōu nàme nǔlì, bù xūyào ràng zìjǐ de shēnghuó guò dé nàme jǐnzhāng. ǒu’ěr, tíng xià jiǎobù, qù zuò yīxiē zìjǐ xǐhuān de shìqíng, qù fāxiàn nàxiē xiǎo xiǎo de xìngfú, qù huàhuà, qù dàshēng chànggē, hǎohǎo qù xiǎngshòu měi yī tiān.
告诉 (gàosù) – to tell
紧张 (jǐnzhāng) – tense, anxious
偶尔 (ǒu’ěr) – occasionally
发现 (fāxiàn) – to discover
小小的 (xiǎo xiǎo de) – small
幸福 (xìngfú) – happiness
享受 (xiǎngshòu) – to enjoy
I want to tell you: You don’t need to work so hard every day, and you don’t need to let your life become so tense. Occasionally, stop and do something you enjoy, discover those small moments of happiness, draw, sing loudly, and enjoy each day.
Hāi, guòqù de zìjǐ, wǒ zhīdào nǐ zǒng shì mánglù, jiānbǎng shàng chéngdān hěnduō yālì. Nǐ měitiān dōu zài wèi gōngzuò hé xuéxí pīnmìng, zhuīqiú gèng hǎo de shēnghuó.
過去 (guòqù) – past
肩膀 (jiānbǎng) – shoulder
承擔 (chéngdān) – to bear
壓力 (yālì) – pressure
拼命 (pīnmìng) – to strive, to work hard
追求 (zhuīqiú) – to pursue
Hey, past me, I know you’re always busy, bearing a lot of pressure on your shoulders. You work hard every day for your job and studies, chasing a better life.
Nǐ juéde zhǐyǒu zhèyàng, cái néng zhèngmíng zìjǐ hěn nǔlì. Dàn wǒ xiǎng gàosù nǐ, shēnghuó bù jǐn jǐn shì wèi le chénggōng, yǒu shí yě xūyào tíng xià jiǎobù, qù gǎnshòu shēnbiān de měihǎo.
覺得 (juéde) – to feel, to think
證明 (zhèngmíng) – to prove
不僅僅 (bù jǐn jǐn) – not only
停下 (tíngxià) – to stop
腳步 (jiǎobù) – steps, pace
感受 (gǎnshòu) – to feel
You think that only by doing this can you prove that you are working hard. But I want to tell you, life is not just about success; sometimes, you also need to stop and feel the beauty around you.
Jìdé xiǎoshíhòu, nǐ zuì xǐhuān huàhuà hé chànggē. Kěshì, suízhe niánlíng de zēngzhǎng, nǐ màn man wàngjì le zhèxiē nǐ rè’ài de shìqíng. Nǐ rènwéi zhǐyǒu mánglù hé bùduàn de gōngzuò cáinéng chénggōng, dàn què wàng le zìjǐ nèixīn de xūqiú.
記得 (jìdé) – to remember
喜歡 (xǐhuān) – to like
隨著 (suízhe) – with
年齡 (niánlíng) – age
增長 (zēngzhǎng) – to grow, to increase
熱愛 (rè’ài) – to love deeply
需求 (xūqiú) – need
Remember when you were little, you loved to draw and sing. But as you grew older, you gradually forgot the things you loved. You thought that only being busy and constantly working could lead to success, but you forgot your inner needs.
Wǒ xiǎng gàosù nǐ: Nǐ bù xūyào měitiān dōu nàme nǔlì, bù xūyào ràng zìjǐ de shēnghuó guò dé nàme jǐnzhāng. ǒu’ěr, tíng xià jiǎobù, qù zuò yīxiē zìjǐ xǐhuān de shìqíng, qù fāxiàn nàxiē xiǎo xiǎo de xìngfú, qù huàhuà, qù dàshēng chànggē, hǎohǎo qù xiǎngshòu měi yī tiān.
告訴 (gàosù) – to tell
緊張 (jǐnzhāng) – tense, anxious
偶爾 (ǒu’ěr) – occasionally
發現 (fāxiàn) – to discover
小小的 (xiǎo xiǎo de) – small
幸福 (xìngfú) – happiness
享受 (xiǎngshòu) – to enjoy
I want to tell you: You don’t need to work so hard every day, and you don’t need to let your life become so tense. Occasionally, stop and do something you enjoy, discover those small moments of happiness, draw, sing loudly, and enjoy each day.